Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Revised Clock Experiment

At the end of August I made a post regarding a clock project I was working on. To get feedback, I asked my clock/watch obsessed boss from the summer, TQ from Holly Hunt to take a look at my sketch. He offered some great feedback, which I have adapted to my project. Here is what he said:

"If nearly the whole middle ring is yellow, they know its near the end of the hour, without needing to count or remember where the starting point is. Secondly, I would make your starting point different. I would move it down to the square below where you've got it now. That way, people can read halves easily. That combined with my first suggestion would make it clear that if the whole upper half was yellow, it is 6. Again, no need to do any counting. It would help a lot with the middle ring, because think in 15 minute blocks (hence why people say "quarter till 7" or whatever), and this would give you 4 little 15 minute quadrants."

TQ also said he would buy this watch once I had it manufactured. If you know any watch maker's, send them my way. Swatch maybe?

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