Monday, September 27, 2010

No Assembly Required

I am in an exhibit design class, and our first assignment was to build a window display for a retail store of our choice. I chose Bose headphones. Our instructor had us pull the name of an object out of a hat, and I picked a wrench. Using this object as our inspiration, we had to design a display that incorporated the chosen object.

So my display for Bose, “No Assembly Required,” addresses the effortless user experience Bose sound systems delivers. Bose’s product is so streamlined, no additional tools are necessary to make your personal music experience any better, or of a higher quality. When choosing Bose, you are
guaranteed quality, the best materials, and durability. Unlike other headphones available for purchase, Bose headphones are long-lasting.

Bose headphones are a handyman or handy-woman’s best friend. A handyman is someone who knows how to solve problems. A handyman is crafty, and knows what tool to use for each unique dilemma. A true music aficionado would know Bose headphones offers unparalleled performance, and cutting edge noise canceling technology. A true handyman would choose Bose headphones.

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